Thursday, May 21, 2009

It's All Up To You

"Life is the sum of all your choices." (Albert Camus)

What will
your next choice be?

Friday, May 1, 2009

Oh Please People, Please...

There so much politico these days. Obama this, Republicans that, Demo's this. Who knows what to believe?!

Personally, I choose to stay out of politics. I know, I know, 'if I don't get involved then I shouldn't even comment', my politicking friends would say. But seriously folks, who's to say who's right or wrong here?

Well I say, 'Where's the beef?!'.

I prefer to believe facts. What I see. Evidence.

Before the election last year Obama and Biden both scored high on HSUS's Humane Scorecard. Yep, I am an animal welfare and rights activist. Get over it.

My partner is a political voice and a photographer, often mixing the two. Our home is decorated with photo's of high ranking political entities.

My decor...I have no real taste. Politics? I prefer to keep it to myself.

But when Biden BUYS a dog from a known puppy mill and President Obama accepts a dog from a BREEDER, I have to question their integrity. After all, didn't they get high scores on humane issues involving addressing the plight of victims of puppy mills? What is up?!

So I am back to my non-political stance. I have no faith in our government, even though I have worked my entire career in government. I have seen first hand the corruptness of politics. Folks are just trying to make a living, stay in power, look good. It seems to have little to do with doing what's right for others.

Am I negative? Probably. But I am a realist. Don't vote one way and live another. As Bill Cosby has said, "The proof is in the pudding.".

When will we start holding our government officials accountable for what they do, not what they say?

Don't actions speak louder than words?

I'm not saying I agree with all Republicans. I'm just saying I question the integrity of what the higher-up democrats say and do.

How about the rest of you? What's your take on today's political values?